Bandwidth Consumption Tsunami On The Horizon

From the web morphing from a text-based medium to a video-centric medium to massive growing hunger for mobile broadband. There are a lot of factors brewing for a perfect storm of bandwidth shortages in the years ahead.

The world of cloud and networking is often filled with buzz words about hosting features and server appliances, but we tend to overlook the fact that none of these things are possible without adequate bandwidth. The latest data from IDC suggests Internet traffic will grow exponentially, “approximately 50 percent year over year,” and that’s just on “fixed” boring old traditional networks. Mobile traffic is to double that figure – yes – 100 percent growth year over year. The growth is inevitable, so the question is – are you and your enterprise prepared? EyeonIBM

New study shows Canadian media habits are changing

A new Ipsos Reid study has been released as part of their ongoing series entitled Inter@ctive Reid Report. This latest study confirms that many Canadians are slowly replacing their television, magazine and radio usage with the internet.

“The fact that Internet usage has caught up with and is keeping pace with television watching is just another indication of how rapidly online Canadians’ entertainment habits are changing. For many companies a multi-channel strategy is imperative for meeting the demands of today’s operating environment”
– Calgary-based study author Mark Laver

While internet usage may have caught up to television for the 35-54 Canadian demographic, it has overtaken television for the net-savvy 18-34 Canadian demo. The so-called Canadian ‘net generation’, the cohort most coveted by advertisers, now spends an average of 18.4 hours online per week which eclipses television by a significant margin. What is most interesting about this study is how different a picture it paints of Canadians as compared to the recent CBC submission to the CRTC entitled ‘Reject old assumptions about New Media‘. I discussed that report in a previous blog post when it was tabled to the CRTC. But to refresh your memory, the CBC made these claims:

a) Traditional TV and radio usage is not being displaced by the Internet. b) It would be a waste time for traditional media companies to create Internet-only content if the goal is to generate advertising revenue. c) Most Canadians use the Internet primarily as a communications and research tool (Ed: Implying that most Canadians do not use the Internet for entertainment.) d) The trend is towards personalizing and controlling media, not developing new ways to consume it.

Surely this latest study from Ipsos Reid debunks at least one, if not several of those key points. via mediaincanada