Off to Northern Voice 2007…

845595-media_httpwwwjamescogancomimagesthenaamjpg_zonIpcDljehbAzwI’m a little late with this post, but I am now in Vancouver for the 3rd annual installment of Northern Voice – Canada’s Blogging Conference. I attended the previous two, and I’m super-excited about meeting and re-connecting with some awesome new media folk, and greatly looking forward to attending a bunch of the planned sessions.

On a personal note, any time I spend in my favourite city is a huge bonus. I’m really psyched about going for some seawall walks and eating some delicious west coast fare. One of my regular haunts is a 24-hour vegetarian restaurant called ‘The Naam‘. I got off the airplane – with a sore throat and runny nose, I always get sick when I travel 🙁 and headed straight for this old-school Kitsilano fave.

More conference posts will follow, probably at the end of each conference day, starting on Friday, February 23rd.