Sleepless in Ottawa

845596-media_httpwwwjamescogancomimagespzizzjpg_tqnIFyCgytrvqliSo you may have guessed by the lack of Northern Voice postings that the conference was a bit of a washout for me. I came down with a high temperature fever after attending the first morning session and that pretty much foiled my plans to attend the rest of the conference. A big-time bummer to say the least. Unfortunately, it looks like I wasn’t the only one to get hit.

On a completely separate note, I have developed some ‘sleep issues’ of late. Once asleep, all is good, but getting there has become a tougher chore than it ever has been in my life. However, my sister pointed me to a website called Pzizz and she tells me that this audio ‘sleep aid’ really works for her. I was totally skeptical. I downloaded it, tossed the sample file onto the iPod and gave it a spin. Guess what? It freakin’ works! At least it did for me. I was sleeping like a baby in no time. I’m still getting far less sleep than I should, but at least getting there has been made a lot easier. I don’t use it every night, but most nights when I feel like my mind won’t shut-off, Pzizz really does the trick. Thanks sis! I’m officially a Pzizzer!

PS: If you’ve sent me an email recently and have not received a response, my bad. My inbox is beyond full. I will get through it all next week.