TechCanuck Podcast: Episode 14

845617-media_httpwwwdailypixelcaimagestechcanucklogojpg_hFztdbzJnCksbhCThe 14th episode in the TechCanuck Podcast series has been released. Canadian tech geeks David Peralty and James Cogan discuss and debate a wide range of digital talking points. See below for a brief description of what was covered in this episode.

TechCanuck Podcast Series – Episode 14

Link: Direct MP3 Download (right-click for download to desktop)
Recorded Date: December 5, 2007
Runtime: 29 minutes, 18 seconds
Filesize: 10.06 megabytes
Talking Points
a) The nextMEDIA 2007 conference has come and gone – what are our lasting impressions and take-aways from the 2-day event that took place in Toronto on November 27th.
b) Facebook backlash – It’s not just a select few bloggerati who are leaving Facebook, it appears there is a growing general discontent with all things Facebook. Advertisers are opting out, mothers are leaving, bloggers are leaving and most of the buzz that was once so positive has turned negative. Is this just a bump in the road – a little blip on the radar screen, or is this the beginning of the decline of Facebook?
c) Technorati has relaunched with a stronger emphasis on its core blogger audience. A change was needed, but is this enough to rescue its dwindling relevance? Additionally, is aggregation the new fad?
d) With the holiday season about to hit full swing, gadgets and video games will be high on most people’s list. What are going to be the hottest electronics being bought this year – what are we eyeing? Also, as an aside – let’s take a temperature of the video game market. How are the PS3, Wii and 360 doing?
e) Closing thoughts.
Music Credits
Fade In: Zombie
Fade Out: Tycho Musiccross-posted from